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How I Work

My work with each individual begins with an initial consultation. Typically, this open-ended conversation involves one to three meetings when we sit down together and talk. We will focus our attention on what prompted you to seek psychotherapy at this time, including your current life circumstances, relevant aspects of your personal history, and what you seek for your future. This conversation will also give you a sense of me and what it would be like to work together.  As part of this process, I will offer my impressions and recommendations for treatment, which may involve our continuing to work together or a recommendation to pursue treatment with someone else if that better serves your needs. There are many forms of psychotherapy and many types of people who do it, so it is very important to choose the kind of therapy and therapist that is a good fit for you.

I offer treatment in the following modalities:

  • Integrative Psychotherapy (Exploratory, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy)
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)
  • Internal Family Systems Therapy
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Treatment Consultation

I work with a diverse group of adults and adolescents, and specialize in working with the following:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Trauma
  • Existential Issues
  • Loss and Life Transitions
  • Relational Difficulties

I provide both in person and online services. When geographically possible, I encourage patients to put in the extra time and effort to attend sessions in person. Being in the same physical space together often enables a more embodied and fuller range of emotional experiences, and the travel time before and after the sessions can be a valuable transition time for self-reflection that extends the therapy hour. 

For those unable to meet in person, I have found online therapy via a secure video conference platform to be surprisingly effective while enabling greater accessibility for many patients. 

Individual Therapy

My practice is devoted to creating a reflective space where individuals make fuller contact with who they are and actively stretch beyond the limits of what they can do alone. The changes my patients seek to make vary widely yet typically involve several levels. Improvements are often sought with respect to painful thoughts, feelings, actions, and inactions. For some, these are familiar and longstanding burdens that one carries; for others, these involve unsettling experiences of oneself that have only recently emerged. Sometimes help is needed to sort out a complex situation that is pulling someone in different directions at the same time. My patients often struggle with less obvious yet longstanding patterns in their experience that don’t lend themselves so easily to words yet constrict their experience of living. These include aspects of yourself that you may want to change but that you are also very attached to because they have long been a meaningful part of who you are. I am committed to cultivating a thoughtful and respectful atmosphere in which we make space for various aspects of you to emerge, and to use this ongoing contact with your inner life to deepen understanding and foster a healthier relationship towards yourself that serves as a foundation for healing, growth, and the achievement of a more meaningful and fulfilling life.


Psychoanalysis is an intensive form of long-term therapy that involves frequent and consistent sessions over an extended interval of time, typically six months to several years. This treatment framework helps to establish an analytic space – a reflective and creative realm that is created between the psychoanalyst and patient – that sets in motion a process of deep exploration of the patient’s internal and relational worlds. Increased frequency of sessions enables experiences that transpire within the therapeutic relationship itself also to become the focus of analytic inquiry and engagement. 

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is an innovative treatment that combines the therapeutic benefits of ketamine with the supportive framework of psychotherapy. KAP enables patients to explore deep-seated emotions, memories, and thought patterns during a less defended state while in a safe and supportive setting. KAP’s unique approach to healing and personal growth has been found to be particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with treatment-resistant depression, PTSD, and other conditions where traditional therapies have shown limited effectiveness. Ketamine also provides a potent catalyst for personal growth via an expansion of consciousness and greater connection within and beyond oneself.

Treatment Consultation

I provide treatment consultations to therapist-patient dyads to help them get their treatment back on track by facilitating a process in which both participants change in some meaningful way. When a therapy impasse cannot be resolved adequately, I support the respectful and ethical ending of the treatment and offer other treatment recommendations.

Clinical Supervision

I provide clinical consultation and ongoing psychoanalytic supervision to therapists and psychoanalysts licensed in a variety of disciplines, including psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and mental health counselors.


Reach out to me today!

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