“Tell me then, what will you do with your one wild and precious life?” - Mary Oliver

About David Raniere

I am a seasoned therapist - trained as a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst - and I have been practicing psychotherapy for over twenty years. While solidly rooted in these established disciplines, my clinical approach is integrative in nature. My way of working draws upon a variety of therapeutic models and methods, as I continue to strive to meet my patients where they are while utilizing a number of approaches to address each patient's particular needs and treatment goals. 

That doesn't really say much about me, though. We would need to sit down together for you to get a real sense of who I am and who you are with me. I trust you would find that I listen closely and deeply with my full attention; that I relate with genuineness and will actually tell you what I am thinking if you are interested in hearing it; and that there is a lot of mind and heart in my words. Sometimes I sit quietly and gently hold space for you to inhabit your felt experience in my presence; other times I will be quite active and challenge you not only to be curious about something but also to do something different and unfamiliar to you. Change is inherently uncomfortable and a bit paradoxical. As my colleague, Dr. Paul Wachtel, puts it, "Sometimes you have to be less like yourself to be more of yourself." 

"What shape waits in the seed of you to grow and spread its branches against a future sky?"– David Whyte

My practice is devoted to creating a reflective space where people slow down, make fuller contact with who they are, and actively stretch beyond the limits of what they can do alone. The changes my patients seek to make vary widely yet typically involve several levels. Improvements are often sought with respect to painful thoughts, feelings, actions, and inactions...